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| Isabella Nitschke

What a summer we've had! Wonderful weather, a fantastic yoga retreat on the island of Kadermo in Finland, great weeks with Lisa Norén covering classes at the shala in Malmö - and it's not over yet. It may already be August and we are gradually easing back into work and everyday life, but it’s still summer for a few more weeks. Before the autumn semester gets underway, we have a couple of inspiring yoga events left. The last Sunday in August, Ashtanga Yoga Malmö invites you to an Open House Day and the following weekend we take part at the Ribban yoga festival. Thereafter the autumn semester and schedule starts on 1 September. Continue reading to get all the information you need for the late summer and autumn with the new class schedule, new courses, workshops and events that we organize in the coming months.


On Sunday 25 August, we open the doors to the public and offer free trial classes and the opportunity to come and meet our teachers at the shala. Those new to yoga can find out more about how yoga works and get answers to their questions. Current members with family and friends are also welcome to come and have coffee and socialize. Special offers and discounts for the autumn semester courses and cards will be available only on this day! Read more about the open house here and please share it with your friends.


On Saturday 31/8 we participate at the annual Ribban yoga festival on the beach in Malmö. It is the fourth year we take part in this event, which is organized by several of Malmö's yoga studios. A wide range of yoga classes are on offer for all levels of yoga practitioners. The festival runs for two days and we will be there on the Saturday. Isabella teaches a class in yoga for stress reduction at 10 a.m. and Helena an intro class to Ashtanga at 3 p.m. Come and join us, meet other yogis from the Malmö yoga scene.  More about the festival here


The autumn schedule begins on Sunday 1 September. We officially kick off the autumn semester with a guided Primary series class at 9 am followed by tea & talk on a yoga-related topic. Everyone can join the class, even if you haven't completed the Primary series yet (beginners are advised to first take a foundation course L1). At “fika” after class, you can also buy our new cotton rugs and towels that arrived from India the other week. A sneak peek of the merch can be found on our Instagram account. You can pre-view the autumn schedule here and later it will be up on the schedule page.


The first round of autumn courses starts in September. All upcoming courses and workshops are already available on the website ready for registration. The courses usually fill up quickly, so don't wait too long to visit the events page and scroll through the pages. You can also see a list of all courses here below.  


At the beginning of September, we host guest teacher Tim Feldmann for a weekend workshop. On 6-8 September, he teaches a 2,5 days immersion in ashtanga yoga. The weekend is fully booked - but we have a few places left at the morning mysore classes (Sat+Sun). Read more about the weekend with Tim here


Time flies and before we know it it’s winter again (a scary thought actually) - and that's why we’d already like to flag our next yoga retreat in Tenerife 18-25 January 2025. Isabella returns to teach at Purple Valley Yoga Tenerife for the third year in a row. If you haven't been there with us before, take the chance now and reserve your spot and book flights well in advance before the prices go up. The New Year's retreat gives you an opportunity to recharge, find balance in body and mind to lay a stable foundation for 2025. Read more here


Before we finish, we’d like to especially honour two important people who sadly left us earlier this summer. Our oldest (and perhaps most dedicated) yogini Kerstin Nitschke (also Isabella's mother), passed away on the new moon on June 6th. The shala is empty without her, those of you who’ve practiced with us for a long time know that she was on the mat on a daily basis even  just a few weeks before she took her last breath. We also lost Rolf Naujokat, one of Isabella's first teachers who lived in Goa, India for many years. For several years, Isabella traveled regularly to Goa to learn from Rolf and his wife Marci. Rolf was kindness personified and it was with a heavy heart that we received the news of his passing at the end of June. May both Kerstin and Rolf rest in peace and be reunited with eternity - "Om Namo Narayanaya"

That's all for now; the next newsletter will be distributed in mid-October with more information about late autumn, winter courses and events. We ask you to stay updated between newsletters by following us on social media (links in the menu above under Contact). If you are not a member of our closed Facebook group, we recommend applying to it to get access to the latest news and updates at short notice. Sometimes we change the door code and those who have valid practice cards receive a text message when this happens, but if you have not been to the shala for a while, we ask you to email us well in advance before your visit. Please note that we don’t read/reply to emails outside office hours or on weekends.

Late summer (sun) salutations,

Isabella & crew

P.S You can use your wellness allowance with us and we are also approved for physical activity on prescription.